How Parametrization Transforms Machinery Manufacturing

Parametrization in machinery manufacturing is a methodology that transforms the way machines are designed and configured. It involves incorporating adjustable parameters or variables within the machinery design, offering flexibility to adapt machinery to diverse specifications, production demands, or operational conditions. These parameters act as adjustable settings, allowing for easy modification without restructuring the entire system. This approach streamlines customization, enabling specific adjustments to be made efficiently, thereby amplifying adaptability across various manufacturing scenarios. 

Comparing Parametrization, Modularization, and Standardization  

While parametrization focuses on adjustable variables within the design, modularization involves building systems using standardized, interchangeable modules. Modularization enables the creation of complex structures from simpler, pre-built units, facilitating ease of assembly, repair, and customization. On the other hand, standardization revolves around uniformity in design and manufacturing processes, aiming for consistency and ease of production. 

Each approach—parametrization, modularization, and standardization—offers distinct advantages. Parametrization stands out for its ability to fine-tune specific aspects of machinery without completely restructuring the entire system. Modularization excels in simplifying assembly and maintenance by utilizing interchangeable modules. Meanwhile, standardization ensures consistency and reliability in manufacturing processes.

The good news I have for you is that we have an experienced team in these three highly connected processes that will completely change your team’s work. Your team’s initial processes of modularization and standardization can be improved by our team or even initiated, if necessary, but it’s parametrization where we excel. Addressing various needs, the Scandinavian Digital team implements parametrization to completely transform your deals and orders, resulting in more sales and a stronger product. Ultimately, product quality is one of the key benefits in Design Automation.

Scenario: Creating a Parametrized Conveyor Belt System

In the video below, you’ll witness a scenario where a manufacturing company specializing in conveyor belt systems implements parametrization using Design Automation to adapt to diverse client requirements without the need for entirely new designs. This practical example illustrates how parametrization revolutionizes the customization process in conveyor belt systems used across various industries.



  • Identification of Adjustable Parameters: The engineering team identifies crucial parameters that can be adjusted in the conveyor belt system. This could include variables such as belt speed, width, material composition, motor power, and sensor configurations. 
    • Designing a Parametrized System: Engineers design the conveyor system with these adjustable parameters in mind. They create a system that allows for easy modification of these key variables without requiring an entire system overhaul. 
      • Adaptability and Customization: When a new client order comes in with specific requirements, such as a conveyor belt for heavy-duty materials or delicate items, the team uses the parametrized design to swiftly adapt the system. For heavy-duty materials, they may adjust parameters like belt width, stiffening, and motor power for efficient handling. Conversely, for delicate items, parameters such as reduced belt speed, softer materials, and adjusted sensor sensitivity are modified without redesigning the entire system. 
        • Efficiency and Cost Savings: The parametrized design approach significantly reduces lead time and costs typically associated with creating customized systems for each client. It streamlines the manufacturing process, ensuring efficient responses to various client needs. 
          • Scalability and Future Adaptation: As the company’s clientele expands or industry demands change, the parametrized design acts as a flexible base for further modifications or scaling. New parameters can be introduced or adjusted to meet evolving requirements. 
            • Demonstrating Flexibility and Versatility: The video demonstration showcases how parametrization enables the manufacturing company to efficiently address different client needs across various industries. It highlights the system’s flexibility in adapting to diverse specifications without compromising quality or efficiency. 
              The belt and the options for customization

              The Game-Changing Impact of Parametrization for Machinery Manufacturers 

              Parametrization emerges as a game changer for machinery manufacturers dealing with complex and varied products. Its adaptability allows for swift adjustments in machinery to accommodate varying requirements or changes in production needs. This capability significantly reduces design iteration time and improves responsiveness to market demands.

              The flexibility of parametrization empowers manufacturers to tailor machinery to specific client requirements without extensive redesigning, thereby minimizing engineering lead time. Moreover, it optimizes resource utilization by enabling efficient reuse of existing designs with parameter adjustments, saving both time and costs associated with creating new systems from scratch. 

              Industries embracing parametrization, such as automotive, aerospace, and semiconductor manufacturing, are leveraging its advantages to drive innovation and rapid adaptation. In contrast, sectors yet to adopt this methodology may face limitations in responding promptly to market dynamics or incorporating cutting-edge technologies into their machinery. 

              Talking about innovation as a benefit is precisely what companies need to stay ahead of the competition. Once these implementations prioritize a more streamlined process, efficiency is ensured, with an emphasis on maintaining overall efficiency as the primary objective. Parametrization presents a forward-looking approach in machinery design offering a blend of adaptability, efficiency, and agility that paves the way for competitiveness and leadership in the market. 

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              Efficiency through Standardization: Striking the Perfect Balance with Design Automation in Machinery Design

              In the world of machinery manufacturing, the pursuit of efficiency is a constant journey. As industries evolve and demands for innovation grow, companies seek ways to streamline their processes without compromising quality. This is where Design Automation, a key facet of Scandinavian Digital’s expertise, comes into play. In the complex world of machinery design, every component plays a crucial role. However, the diversity of products and the complexities involved in customization often lead to challenges in maintaining efficiency. The solution lies in finding a delicate balance between customization and standardization.

              Standardization forms the backbone of efficiency in machinery design.

               For almost 20 years, the Scandinavian Digital Team has specialized in Design Automation, working closely with machinery manufacturers. Our focus is on empowering manufacturers to use a range of tools that make the most of standardization in conjunction with modularization and parametrization. By establishing predefined components and configurations, we help reduce design time, minimize errors, and enhance overall product quality. Our expertise lies in using a set of tools that combine standard practices with flexible methods, simplifying processes to create innovative designs that automate and improve manufacturing for our clients. 


              Standardization reduces product cost in engineering by establishing and implementing a set of guidelines, specifications, or criteria that ensure uniformity, consistency, and compatibility across various aspects of the product.

              Design Automation is a Catalyst for Efficiency.

              It is an understatement to mention that. At the core of Scandinavian Digital’s approach is the integration of Design Automation tools. These tools allow for the creation of parametric designs, enabling quick customization based on specific requirements. By leveraging automation, manufacturers can seamlessly transition from standardized designs to tailored solutions, ensuring a perfect balance between efficiency and customization. 

              It is also possible to streamline processes with Configuration Management. One of the key pillars of Scandinavian Digital’s Design Automation strategy is robust configuration management. This involves creating a centralized repository of standardized components, rules, and specifications that we call Product Master Model. This repository becomes a dynamic resource that facilitates rapid design changes and updates. As a result, manufacturers can respond swiftly to market demands, adapt to new regulations, and implement design improvements without causing disruptions in the production pipeline and without having to rely on the human brain or a specific employee, which helps companies since staff turnover occurs over the years. 

              The importance of optimizing resources. 

              A lot has been said about efficiency, although in machinery design, it is not solely about speeding up the process but also optimizing resources. Scandinavian Digital understands the importance of resource management in manufacturing. Through Design Automation, we empower manufacturers to utilize their resources wisely, ensuring that every component aligns with standardized specifications. This is made possible through correct sizing and document management, such as updated and well-specified Bill of Materials and 2D drawings. This comprehensive approach leads to a reduction in waste, minimized production costs, and an overall improvement in resource utilization. 

              We are always looking ahead, and the Future of Design Automation in Machinery Manufacturing is a key piece. As a queen on the chess board. Scandinavian Digital’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation in Design Automation positions us as a driving force in shaping the future of efficient machinery design. In conclusion, achieving efficiency through standardization is not just a goal; it’s a necessity in today’s dynamic manufacturing landscape. Standardization in machinery manufacturing offers a range of significant benefits that contribute to efficiency, quality, and overall operational success that is the main goal, we can mention interchangeability, cost reduction, faster customization, and an overall higher product quality. 

              As highlighted in the title of the article, Scandinavian Digital, with its expertise in Design Automation, not only aids companies in achieving the ideal equilibrium between customization and standardization but also employs its proficiency to guide them toward a future where success in machinery design is intrinsically tied to efficiency. 


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              User-friendliness of Design Automation tools for non-technical people

              Design Automation tools have revolutionized the way complex machinery and systems are configured and customized for various applications. One of the most significant advancements in this domain is the user-friendliness of these tools, which has made them accessible to non-technical people. This user-friendliness is a game-changer, as it empowers individuals without extensive technical knowledge, we could say non engineering people, to configure and adapt intricate machinery to meet their specific needs and advance sales processes for many machineries manufacturing. 
              It’s important to emphasize that, in addition to the individual benefits for professionals, companies experience several advantages when implementing Design Automation, we have listed here many times. With the example of our 6 Value Areas.

              However other benefits that’s this user-friendliness brings is lower training expenses as direct result of users requiring less technical expertise to operate the tools, ultimately leading to reduced labour costs and increased efficiency in projects. This, in turn, translates into significant cost savings, a big monster for small, medium and big companies that work with product development and customization in order execution phase.

              One of the notable benefits that come to the forefront when implementing DA is the competitive advantage it offers. It promotes empowerment and innovation within the team, allowing non-technical personnel to take ownership of their projects. The tools – for example Parametric CAD Software’s, Configurators – have predefined parameters that prevent mistakes, resulting in a significant reduction in errors. User-friendly interfaces play a pivotal role in preventing configuration errors, enhancing product quality. Moreover, it fosters improved team connectivity and communication since the technical team and the non-technical team are aligned during the whole process.

              To make it even more clear, here is an example of a configuration that a non-technical person could make using a Design Automation tool. Let’s consider a company that manufactures customized conveyor systems for various industries.  

              Normally, configuring a conveyor system involves specifying its length, width, speed, and the type of materials it will handle. A non-technical person could use a Design Automation tool to customize a conveyor system for a specific application. As a first step, the non-technical employee needs to have the master model where all information about that product is stored to start. Depending on the customer needs the type  can change, being very important to have a master model for each one, these can be belt conveyors, roller conveyors, or chain conveyors. Each type has a user-friendly interface with a 3D model or even a realistic image and descriptions.  

              The second step would be the desired size and dimensions. Using simple input fields or interactive drag-and-drop features, the user can specify the wanted length, width, and height of the conveyor system. The tool provides real-time visual feedback on how these changes affect the design. Moving forward with the configuration, the third step would be the Material Handling. The user can indicate the type of materials the conveyor will handle. The automation tool may suggest appropriate material handling features like special belts or side guides based on the selected material.  

              The next step is Speed and Capacity. During the configuration, the non-technical person can specify the desired speed of the conveyor and the weight capacity it needs. The tool may provide recommendations or constraints based on the chosen conveyor type. Now comes a very important part of the configuration, the visualization. As the user makes selections, the tool provides a visual representation of the configured conveyor system within minutes. This helps non-technical users see how their choices impact the final design. And creates automatically 3D models and 2D drawings.  

              This kind of tools can also provide Pricing and Quotation. Once the configuration is completed, the tool can show an estimated price for the customized conveyor system and generate a quotation helping with faster communication with leads. The user can review, make adjustments, and proceed with the order in a fast pace, reducing the company lead time and possibly accelerating revenue. 

              In this video, you’ll witness the step-by-step setup of an elevator system, much like how we previously detailed the configuration of a conveyor system. Towards the video’s conclusion, you’ll also gain insights into the seamless integration of Design Automation tools with a Configure, Price, and Quote system. This integration streamlines the sales process, making it a must-use for non-technical people.


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              Unlocking Efficiency and Advantages: Design Automation’s Impact on Aggregate Crushers

              Design automation is a critical process that cement industries can integrate into their operations. This article will detail the configuration of an aggregate crusher, which serves as the initial step in cement production. Design automation (DA) brings forth multiple benefits for the aggregate crusher configuration. Within the cement industry, proper sizing remains the foremost factor, and once achieved, it leads to various other advantages. Efficiency is enhanced as DA tools automate repetitive tasks like component selection, parameter adjustment, and design optimization. This not only saves time but also reduces errors, enabling engineers to configure crushers more swiftly and efficiently. 

              Another advantage lies in customization. Crushers often need to be tailored to meet specific requirements or adapt to various applications. Design automation tools streamline customization by providing predefined options and configurations based on operational requirements, such as targeted production output and environmental factors like temperature fluctuations in the installation region, humidity, pressure, and even the risk of earthquakes.

              For instance, the process of breaking down limestone into smaller pieces typically involves a combination of compression and impact forces. These crushed limestones are subsequently mixed with other materials to create cement. Cement production may involve different types of stone that require crushing, as well as other materials like gypsum and coal, which transform into dust resembling small rocks.

              Standardized quality is a fundamental requirement, and Design Automation promotes consistency and standardization in crusher configurations. This minimizes output variability, enhances quality control, improves reliability, and boosts machinery performance. While this article focuses on the importance of DA for a single machinery piece in the process, it’s essential to note that Design Automation can be applied to all machinery post-crusher, optimizing the entire process. The objective is to highlight the benefits within each model and process step.

              Collaboration and communication are integral aspects of Design Automation. Automation tools facilitate collaboration among various stakeholders involved in crusher configuration. Engineers, designers, and team members collaborate using a shared platform, exchanging information, making real-time updates, and accessing a centralized design data repository. This drives effective decision-making, leading to streamlined and higher-quality crusher configurations.

              As previously mentioned, the aggregate crusher marks the process’s inception but holds significant value for subsequent steps like raw mix preparation. Stone crushers ensure uniform and thorough crushing of raw materials, resulting in a consistent and homogeneous raw mix. Secondary crushing might be necessary in cement manufacturing. After the initial crushing, secondary crushers further refine materials to achieve the desired particle size distribution or specific characteristics needed for cement production. 

               To provide a visual demonstration, a video showcases a crusher configuration within the context of the cement industry. The demo features an impact crusher, one of several options employed in the cement industry, alongside jaw crushers and cone crushers.

              For those interested in the cement industry, another DEMO illustrates the configuration of an industrial bag filter. This equipment is crucial in the cement processing industry as an air pollution control device. It removes particulate matter like dust and fine particles from air exhaust generated during cement manufacturing processes, which encompass the handling, grinding, and processing of raw materials such as limestone, clay, and other minerals to produce cement clinker. WATCH HERE!

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              Documentation Generation and Management using Design Automation

              Documentation generation and management are critical aspects of machinery manufacturing companies, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information about product designs and associated data. In machinery manufacturing, Design Automation and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools like SOLIDWORKS, Autodesk Inventor, PTC Creo, along with software platforms like Tacton, play a vital role in facilitating efficient documentation generation and management.

              Design Automation refers to the use of CAD tools and configurators to automate design tasks and processes, offering engineers and designers the ability to generate designs, make modifications, and create documentation quickly and accurately. Within the Scandinavian Digital benefits showcase, Digitalisation takes a prominent position among the six core value areas. It holds particular significance for manufacturing companies, offering valuable advantages.


              2D drawing of the Bag Filter – Scandinavian Digital Product

              When you save information in a digital document or in the master model of your product, it goes beyond mere reliance on human memory. This significantly aids in ensuring repeatability in the future, as the data remains preserved even if the person responsible is no longer available. Losing that individual does not result in the loss of valuable data, thus providing added security and continuity.

              Our partner and head of the Indian office, Vivek Nagarajan, expert in Design Automation with more than 15 years of experience, explains the relevance of this part of the DA process: “Design Automation gives our customers the power to document the present, preserving knowledge for the future. The documentation becomes a valuable asset for not just the current project but also for upcoming ones. This accumulation of knowledge, facilitated by automation, establishes a foundation for continuous learning and empowers organizations to build on past successes.”

              CAD tools specifically tailored for machinery manufacturing provide comprehensive features and functionalities to create, modify, and visualize 3D models and 2D drawings, assemblies, and manufacturing drawings. These tools empower design automation by enabling users to capture and reuse design intent, automate repetitive tasks, and generate accurate documentation directly from the CAD model. 

              In the context of machinery manufacturing, CAD tools offer several features that enhance efficiency and precision in documentation generation, Automated Drawing Creation is one of them, being a highlight of our work with clients. CAD tools enable the automatic generation of 2D drawings from 3D models, providing machinery manufacturers the ability to define drawing templates with standardized title blocks, borders, and other annotations. When modifications are made to the 3D model, associated drawings can be updated automatically, ensuring that all documentation remains synchronized and accurate.

              Another important part of the documentation generation is the Bill of Materials (BOM). Machinery manufacturing often involves complex assemblies and subassemblies. CAD tools facilitate the creation of BOMs, listing all the components and parts required for manufacturing a machine. BOMs can be automatically generated from the CAD assembly, including part numbers, descriptions, quantities, and other pertinent information. This simplifies the process of creating and managing accurate BOMs, reducing errors and ensuring consistency across the documentation. The generation of BOMs are also relevant to other areas, besides engineering, inside a machinery manufacturing company, for example, the Supplier Integration team.

              The Bill of Material of the Industrial Bag Filter

              When the topic is: Software Integration. We can tell that some software integrates to common CAD tools and have the potential to benefit machinery manufacturers. Platforms like Tacton, which provide additional capabilities for automating configuration, quoting, and documentation generation processes. These platforms seamlessly integrate with CAD tools like SOLIDWORKS, Autodesk Inventor, PTC Creo and leverage product configurators to generate customized designs and associated documentation based on customer requirements. Such integration streamlines the management of complex product configurations and ensures the generation of accurate and detailed documentation.

              Design automation simplifies documentation generation and management, allowing engineers to focus on innovation. Automated tools seamlessly create documentation as part of the design process, enhancing knowledge sharing and project execution.
              Giving the word again to our partner, Vivek Nagarajan to conclude the benefits of the topic, “With design automation, the once tedious task of managing documentation becomes a seamless and effortless process. Automated documentation is not just a convenience but a necessity in today’s fast-paced and information-driven world. As design complexities increase, and project timelines shorten, automation becomes indispensable for managing the vast amounts of data and knowledge generated throughout the design lifecycle.”, stated.

              And this is a game changer for machinery manufacturing companies, leveraging design automation, CAD tools like SOLIDWORKS, Autodesk Inventor, PTC Creo, and software platforms like Tacton are crucial for efficient documentation generation and management. These tools provide features such as MBD, automated drawing creation, BOM generation, revision control, and integration with software platforms, thereby streamlining the process, enhancing productivity, reducing errors, and delivering high-quality documentation to support the machinery development process.

              You can watch the Bag Filter DEMO signed by the Scandinavian Team with the configuration of the product and the documentation automatically generated below:




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              Engineering & Design Automation is accelerating the outcomes for both manufacturers and customers in the wind energy industry.

              Design automation can bring significant benefits to the wind turbine industry, especially when it comes to dealing with orders for distinct types of soils and terrains.

              The layout of a wind turbine refers to the arrangement of its various components, such as the tower, blades, and nacelle. When designing and building wind turbines, the goal is to optimize their layout to achieve the most efficient and cost-effective energy generation.

              By optimizing the layout of a wind turbine with mechanical configuration, it is possible to save time in the manufacturing and assembly process. Exemplifying, a well-designed layout can reduce the amount of material required for construction, which can decrease the time and cost of production. Similarly, an optimized layout can also make it easier and faster to assemble the various components of the turbine, which can result in considerable time savings for each order.

              Private wind turbines, also known as small-scale or residential wind turbines, are wind energy systems designed for individual homes, farms, or businesses.

              Optimizing the layout of wind turbines can lead to cost savings, improved efficiency, and faster construction times, all of which can be beneficial for wind energy companies and their customers.

              Engineering & Design automation can bring significant benefits to the wind turbine industry, particularly when it comes to dealing with orders from different types of soils and terrains. By automating the design process, wind turbine companies can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver more customized and accurate solutions to their customers in a faster way.

              The colors on wind turbines can be customised based on client preferences and the surrounding environment. For land-based turbines in green landscapes, incorporating green elements helps them blend in with the surroundings. Red lines are often added for safety and visibility, marking moving parts. A configurator can be used to visualise and select colors, considering onshore or offshore placement. This customisation ensures visually appealing and safe integration of the turbines.

              Another example of customisation, using DA (Design Automation) the automation software can take into account factors such as soil density, moisture content, and other geotechnical factors to determine the most appropriate foundation design for a particular location.

              Watch in this DEMO wind turbines being configured and placed in different environments, showcasing their installation on various types of soils and terrains:


              Our team has knowledge when it comes to wind turbines, and our main deliverable to clients in this industry is the rapid production of 3D models and comprehensive documentation. For instance, we provide detailed 2D drawings with all the necessary specifications and a complete bill of materials.

              One of the benefits we already pointed to is the speed, by automating the design process, wind turbine companies can reduce the time it takes to design and build each turbine. This can be especially important when dealing with orders from different geographical locations, soil types and the terrain may trigger a unique design of components.

              Highlighting the cost savings, design automation reduces the reliance on manual labor, resulting in fewer engineering hours. This enables wind turbine companies to offer more competitive prices to their customers or to have a higher profit margin.

              To have a full overview of the value Design Automation brings you can check our 6 VALUE AREAS.

              In conclusion, the wind turbine and wind energy sector can greatly benefit from engineering and design automation, as well as product configuration. The aforementioned benefits, such as cost savings, faster 3D modeling, comprehensive documentation, and increased competitiveness, demonstrate the positive impact of automation and standardization in this industry. Embracing digitalization and leveraging advanced technologies can drive efficiency, enhance productivity, and support the continued growth and sustainability of the wind energy sector.

              Watch below a wind turbine being configured by our team using Tacton Design Automation Studio:

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              Applying Design Automation in the Food Industry: Fermentation Machinery Configuration DEMO

              In the fast-paced world of the food industry, dairy processing equipment plays a vital role in ensuring efficient production and maintaining high product quality. However, the global market faces challenges, particularly in terms of high operating costs and risk of losing key engineers. In this article, we explore how Scandinavian Digital, with its extensive experience in the food industry, especially in the powder and dairy sectors, has harnessed the power of Design Automation to transform the business for customers in the manufacturing dairy machinery sector.

              By embracing digitalisation, our team has paved the way for enhanced efficiency, improved product quality, and reduced costs in the dairy processing industry.

              At Scandinavian Digital, we utilize Design Automation to meet the distinct requirements of our clients. Through the integration of the Tacton Design Automation plug-in in popular CAD solutions like PTC Creo, Autodesk Inventor, and SolidWorks, our clients can swiftly customise machinery models to align with specific needs within minutes.

              The flexibility offered by our solution enables seamless integration of client preferences, resulting in precise 3D models, 2D drawings, and Bill-of-Materials. This reduces the time spent by engineers in designing equipment or accommodating changes requested by clients. The capability to customize equipment to meet individual requirements directly translates into improved customer satisfaction and heightened operational efficiency.

              Fermentation is a critical process in the food industry. Therefore, the Scandinavian Digital experts recognizes the significance of the natural preservation method and has used Design Automation to show different types of configurations for a fermentation machinery, you can have a look at our DEMO that perfectly illustrates and states some of the benefits aggregated to the EDA (Engineering & Design Automation):

              The adoption of Design Automation in the dairy machinery industry brings numerous benefits. Our team ensures the preservation of valuable knowledge and expertise by digitising product rules and storing them in the product model. This digitalisation enables non-experts to configure intricate products, generate accurate 3D models, 2D drawings, and Bill-of-Materials, even without in-depth product knowledge. It streamlines maintenance processes and empowers manufacturers to utilize data-driven insights for ongoing enhancements. By leveraging digital tools, manufacturers can elevate food safety standards, decrease operational costs, and consistently provide customers with top-quality dairy products.

              Scandinavian Digital has effectively tackled the issues of expensive operations and improved efficiency, product quality, and customisation by utilising Design Automation and Product Configuration. As the dairy processing sector embraces digitalisation, Scandinavian Digital remains at the forefront, guaranteeing a promising future for dairy machinery innovation, sustainability, and excellence.

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              What happens after the implementation of Engineering & Design Automation?

              We have been talking a lot about all the benefits the companies can achieve and how would be to implement EDA (Engineering & Design Automation). However, one of the hot topics at the moment is: What comes after EDA (Engineering & Design Automation) is implemented in a company? We interview our Lead Engineer, Jan Petersen, he oversees many of our Engineering and Design Automation implementation projects and its ready to give his overview on the topic.

              Jan Petersen is the Lead-Engineer at Scandinavian Digital

              Q – The number one questions is: what will happen with the workforce since the execution hours are reduced?

              Jan Petersen – This is always the first question! EDA (Engineering & Design Automation) is changing the focus of the product owner away from standard order execution, towards innovation and development. Because the standard orders are handled by EDA, the time freed up will be redirected to product care with both the continuous maintenance of the configurator, data and rules, and development of the future features.

              Q –  Can you develop more on the benefits after the implementation?

              Jan Petersen – Yes, order execution normally has a hard time scaling fast according to the order backlog, with EDA (Engineering & Design Automation) it is now possible to handle more orders with the same size team or smaller. The result is a cost reduction because it is now possible to scale the throughput without needing adjustments to the execution team. Reducing the execution time also leads to a subsequent reduction in lead-time.

              When implementing EDA (Engineering & Design Automation) you are digitalizing the product rules and design to increase the repeatability of the documentation and consequently have less errors. This is possible as new projects are generated from one master model, this mitigates wrong calculations and mistakes on the design when doing a manual execution.

              In conclusion… with continuous product enhancement, based on the feedback from orders executed, you will keep improving your products and handle new orders with reduced need for engineering solutions for these orders. A long term benefit for example, is energy optimization.

              Q – How does this impact other parts of a company?

              Jan Petersen – The initial impact will be the reduced need for the product owner or group in relation to orders. After launching there will be a transition period where the new setup will be tested and adjusted to ensure future order handling will flow unimpeded. On the longer-term Sales will be impacted as more focus will be on improving the product and ensuring the product portfolio fits the market needs.

              Q – How are customer projects impacted?

              Jan Petersen – Speed! Customers, both internal and external, will get orders faster due to the heavily reduced execution time. The sales teams will have faster response times and be able to capitalize on this to have a reduced delivery schedule. Having the delivery schedule shortened will impact all subsequent steps in the project and in the end, it should mean production will start earlier.

              Q – What if the customer has special requests? For example, Customisation of the product.

              Jan Petersen – The answer is: this can be handled through EDA (Engineering & Design Automation) as well! You will not have the full benefit of EDA (Engineering & Design Automation), however it is possible to directly use the parts where no change is made like for a standard project, focusing your engineering effort on the customized parts.

              For example, if you need to change locally, like the in- or outlet on a product, you have configured to the closest configuration, make the changes and the rest of your product will retain full EDA.

              Q –  How does this impact the management team?

              Jan Petersen – In the immediate time after launching EDA (Engineering & Design Automation) product maintenance will be the key word. Setting up the owners and teams around EDA to handle feedback and getting procedures in place to implement the highest priority fixes and features.

              Moving away from a firefighting mindset, into preventing the need for immediate fixes and implementing the fixes on the master model, will result in a more stable higher quality product. This will be noticed elsewhere in the organization from the people at site commissioning all the way through the quality department, project management and back to Engineering.

              So Jan it’s possible to see enormous impact in different areas after implementing EDA. Do you believe that EDA (Engineering & Design Automation) implementation for big manufacturing companies is a must and if so, why?

              Jan Petersen – From an engineering perspective definitely! You have competition and if you are competing with other companies delivering similar type of equipment you are measured on speed, price, and quality. With EDA you will be able to deliver high quality fast, the price will be less of a factor, since return of investment is reduced by the shortened time from order to commissioning. As a consequence, companies not implementing DA are more likely to become less competitive and have problems scaling their business.

              Watch a shorter version of the full interview:


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              How to use Engineering & Design Automation to guarantee more sustainability and product quality in the Packaging Industry?

              At Scandinavian Digital we are problem solvers. Our motto is: Anything can be configured. Our experts have never encountered an issue that couldn’t be resolved until now, this what our CTO Morten Bennick affirms. In the packaging industry, machinery manufacturing possess several challenges such as high costs, limited flexibility, frequent breakdowns, maintenance and repair difficulties, and integrating new technology. Other issues include low efficiency, slow production rates, and a lack of customisation options. Problems, which we can solve or reduce by using Engineering & Design Automation. 

              Customisation is one of the greatest benefits of using EDA (Engineering & Design Automation), especially because we can configure a machine with exactly the client’s needs in mind, considering the product they work with and the production they need to achieve. In our six value areas when using Design Automation, we present benefits such as up to 88% reduction in lead time, an increase in sales up to 30% three years after implementing DA (Design Automation), not to mention the solution to one of the industry’s biggest complaints, which is costs. The cost reduction through product quality control is estimated to be up to 60%, referring to the amount of errors that are reduced and even completed eliminated.
              Using Engineering & Design Automation helps clients to bring their product to the market faster as the same way contributes to deliver orders in a quicker way. Design automation helps companies bring products to the market faster by streamlining and accelerating the product development process. DA tools enable the automation of repetitive design tasks. By creating predefined rules and constrains. Using the integrated Tacton plug-in to CAD platforms as SolidWorks, PTC Creo and Autodesk Inventor,  the engineers can work in their preferred CAD environment. TDA Studio has the ability to generate only valid product variants, paramethic designs and the result is CAD models without errors. Through mapping configuration logic to your CAD parts, you can connect Tacton’s product configuration model to your CAD system’s parts and parameters. This ensures product integrity. The 2D drawings and the documentation as Bill of Material is created automatically in seconds.   

              Design Automation allows different machinery customisation.

              Correct sizing, another relevant theme already explained by our experts (Read more: Correct sizing is a critical point to cost reduction and sustainability in the manufacturing industry – Scandinavian Digital ) is another factor to reduce cost and improve sustainability in the packaging industry. After all, Sizing plays a crucial role in the manufacturing industry as it directly affects the quality and functionality of the final product. With an accurate sizing it is possible to reduce costs by minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. On the other hand, incorrect sizing can result in waste, rework, and increased costs. This is a great way of reducing cost and creating a more sustainable process. 
              We firmly believe that Engineering & Design Automation represents the essential next step for packaging manufacturers to accelerate industry innovation and proactively address existing challenges. Fortunately, we already possess the ideal solution to facilitate this necessary transition.  
              Do you want to continue this conversation? Contact us: 

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              GEA Process Engineering A/S speeds up engineering with Scandinavian Digital’s solutions

              Scandinavian Digital was chosen as partner to help GEA PE A/S automate engineering processes to improve quality and reduce engineering time. GEA´s purpose is “Engineering for a better world” and together with SD GEA PE A/S has embarked on a journey of true digital transformation which both delivers better products for the market as well as a leaner and better workplace for GEA PE A/S’s employees with a reduction of trivial repetitive work and elimination of rework.  

              At its core, the “Automation of the Engineer-To-Order process” automates all technical CAD 3D models and 2D drawings during engineering execution. Time savings for GEA PE A/S are significant, but even better is the fact that the documentation is now consistent throughout all stages of the engineering execution, ultimately leading to the customer receiving a better product faster. 

              Kári Holgarsson, Director Engineering Support, Rune Skovgaard-Petersen, Vice President Technology, Simon Nielsen, Scandinavian Digital CEO and Sten Krog Duerlund
              Senior Director Product Engineering, Technology

              The SD team has a profound experience in the successful automation of CAD engineering for complex products. In the past many years, the SD team has automated 250+ complex products – either very large engineering constructions and/or a complex combination of engineering components with a multitude of rules. At GEA PE A/S, SD is currently doing the same and rolling out the concept for 18 of GEA PE A/S’s key products. 

              According to Rune Skovgaard-Petersen, Vice President Technology (TECH) the “automation of the engineering processes of these products will be a significant improvement for our entire organisation”. 

              Beyond the simple automation of engineering processes, GEA PE A/S can now build on the existing solutions to further reduce cost and lead time in other areas. Building the foundation for systems engineering and collaborate globally to further drive productivity and results.

              GEA Group is a EUR 5.2 billion company on the German MDAX, headquartered in Düsseldorf. More than 18,000 employees across 62 countries and 5 divisions develop and deliver highly specialised process equipment for Powder, Liquid, Separation, Flow Refrigeration and Monitoring with the Food, Chemical, Farming, Dairy and Healthcare industries. 

              Simon Nielsen, CEO, Scandinavian Digital. 

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